• Format SD Card

    • FAT32

    • 4096 bytes (allocation)

    • Use PC only for formatting. MACs may cause error

  • Create a folder on the blank SD card named "firmware"

  • Navigate to firmware repository

  • Choose Firmware

  • BL Touch

      • This firmware is enabled for machines fitted with a BLtouch sensor. Start GCode will need to be added (to your slicer) to enable the probing system

      • 3x3, 4x4, etc. Refers to the size of the probing grid

      • HS stands for High Speed. Increases the speed of the probing.

  • Default - No Probe 

    • Basic firmware, contains no mesh or advanced leveling functionality

  • Manual Mesh

    •  Adds advanced manual leveling feature: moves nozzle to grid points, where the user determines the "level" of each point. Those data points are then used as a mesh for your printer to apply while printing. Similar operation to a BL Touch version without the added hardware but with more user-end operations.

  • UBL(unified bed leveling)

    • Can be used Manually or with BLTouch. Offers an advanced leveling system, ability to edit and tilt the mesh. Requires unique start GCode

  • G32/N32

    • Refers to the chip in your motherboard.

    • STM32 and GD32 chips use G32 firmware

    • N32 chips will use N32 firmware

  • Download the  firmware (.Bin file) of your choosing 

  • Place the firmware (.Bin file) into the previously created folder named "firmware"

  • Eject SD card and insert it into your printer. 

  • Power on printer

    • White screen with loading bar. Green check means update is complete

    • If this is your first firmware update the LCD screen will look messed up (need to update the LCD display firmware)

  • Power down machine(optional) , remove SD card.

  • Reinsert SD card into computer and delete "firmware" folder



  • Insert SD card into computer delete all contents(if not already installed from previous step)

  • Download SourceCode.zip

  • Move SourceCode.zip into its own folder and Extract the contents

  • Navigate to the DWIN_SET folder

    • Marlin 1.3.3

    • Display firmware

    • Firmware sets

  • Move chosen DWIN_SET onto blank SD card

  • Delete any postscript on the folder so it reads only "DWIN_SET”

    • ie. "DWIN_SET(Voxelab Red)" becomes "DWIN_SET"

  • Remove SD card and insert into back of LCD

    • Uninstall LCD screen from printer

    • Remove LCD screen from bracket

    • Unscrew 4 screws on rear and remove back panel

    • Insert micro SD into slot on back of LCD

  • Power on machine

    • Screen turns from "blue" to "orange". (For the colorblind this process should take approximately 30 seconds)

  • Remove SD card

  • Power on printer, before installing back cover, to ensure the firmware update was successful

  • Reinstall back cover using four screws

  • Remount LCD screen onto printer. 

Congratulations!!! You're finished!