
In an effort to help the environment I set out to reuse the silica packs that come with each roll of filament you buy. After running out of ways to stuff them into filament that’s sitting on my shelves SillyCornhole was born!
This was a fun project for me, where I got a chance to stretch my modeling and printing muscles. I wanted to get some experience with multi colored first layer prints, and this was a fun lesson.
This model was featured in a YOUTUBE SHORT that I released.
There are 2 model files below. Complete is a file where the board is all one piece. Multi is the file you would need for multi colored printing, as all the flares pieces are separated. orientation: this model is meant to be printed face down and without any supports.
Accelerometer Ledge
This is an easy to print ledge that you can attach to the gantry (printhead) of most Ender 3 style printers (including the Voxelab Aquila printers). The ‘normal’ model should be printed and tried first, if the fit is too loose the second option (tighter fit) should alleviate any fitment issues.
If you don’t know what an accelerometer is used for check out MY VIDEO where I go over the awesome features it offers is (by the way the feature is better quality prints faster!)
Sprite Air Duct
This Air Duct was designed to to fit the parts cooling fan on the Creality Sprite Extruder. In my SPRITE INSTALLATION VIDEO I mention how my extruder arrived with a broken fan mount. Well, nothing Fusion360 and some time can’t fix! My duct was printed in ABS though I imagine PETG would work just as well!
I am aware of an issue some users are having when installing the Sprite onto the Voxelab Aquila. The bracket for the printhead is not making proper contact with the X endstop switch. To that end I quickly designed a possibel solution. This is by no means the final answer to this issue but someting I threw together to bridge the gap until I am able to make a more permanent solution.
Aquila S2 Fan Shroud
This fan shroud was made to fit the Voxelab Aquila S2, and was made to print support-free. I discuss this shroud in my video detailing some parts of the Aquila S2. The design of this shroud was copied nearly identical from the stock fan shroud. If you have alterations or modifications you would like to see please contact me and I will do my best to accommodate. These mounts do not require any additional hardware. As printing tolerances differ from machine to machine slight scaling modifications may be needed.
There are three versions available for download:
FanShroud(final) : This is a plain fan shroud that does not add upon the original design in any way, just to be used to add some color to your machine if you want.
FanShroud(BLTouch) : This is the same fan shroud as the above design with the addition of bracket capable of mounting a BL Touch (or compatible device).
BLTouchMount(stockShroud) : This is a small attachment used to attach a BL Touch (or compatible device) while still using the stock fan shroud.
Rail Inserts
I wanted to create covers for my aluminum extrusion because dust and print scraps kept falling between them, and also to jazz up my printers a little. Meant to be printed with the flat side down and support-free. I only added a few arms to grab the extrusion as I wanted to keep print time and material usage down. The size of 135mm fit my Ender3/Aquila perfectly for the printer base legs. The larger (200mm) size I doubled and was able to use it to cover the Z-axis profile. These can be scaled however you like once you bring it into your slicer. Just make sure you turn off "Uniform Scaling" and then increase the length to whatever you need. Obviously tolerances/filament/temperature/etc all play a role in printing and while these sizes work for me you may have to adjust them slightly up or down to fit your needs.
Belt tensioner knob
This knob was developed to be a replacement for the stock belt tensioner knobs on the Voxelab Aquila/Creality Ender 3V2. There is a M4 threaded(knurled) insert that is required to complete the model. The insert should be sunk into the middle of the print (using a soldering iron to heat the insert) and let to sit for a few minutes to harden. For extra strength it is recommended to print this model with 4 walls(perimeters) in your slicer settings. There is no real functional advantage to these and they advantage is solely cosmetic(or as a replacement).
Phone Holder
These phone holders were designed to be printed without support! The design itself is not unique, as many before have made similar or nearly identical designs. This take on the design tackled the problems of supporting the various overhangs and bridges. This model is meant to be printed on it’s side and unsupported. It has a small port hole on the rear to slip a USB/charging cable through. As well as docking your phone (horizontally or vertically) this can also support a Nintendo Switch for easy viewing. This stand measure 3.85"(98mm) tall, 2.25"(60mm) wide, and 2.75"(72mm) long, in it’s standard measurement but can be scaled to your liking.
Aquila S2 TPU Enhancement
When the Aquila S2 shipped There was an upgraded piece on the extruder that needed to be printed and installed. This piece allowed you to print TPU optimally. I was told by Voxelab that this add-on would become stock on newer units. I received my printer 01/01/2022 and at that time the enhanced part was not stock, I had to print and install it myself. So I would double check before printing and attempting to install this piece. Additionally this part was not made by PrintsLeo3D, it was provided by Voxelab and given to PrintsLeo3D to share with the community.
Satsana fan Shroud (remix)
The original Satsana Fan Shroud that all these models have been modified from is an excellent design and was provided free to the 3D printing community by Thingiverse user eric - anastas. Thank you so much!
This is my remix of the original Satsana Fan Shroud. I have adjusted the height of the BL Touch arm so that it sits higher, and gives the appropriate clearance between the probe tip and the nozzle tip (2.3mm - 4.3mm). I go over the importance of this clearance as well as an in depth-guide to installing a BL Touch in this video.
5015 fan shroud
If you’re in the market for a little more part cooling air flow , the 5015 fan is a great option. Just like the model above, the remixed fan shroud offers an ABL arm that is too low for The Aquila. I have edited this model to offer more clearance for the BL Touch probe tip (the original model has been modified by -2.8mm). If this distance still is not giving you the correct ABL clearance [2.3mm - 4.3mm] then please drop me a line and I’ll see if I can edit it further for you!
PL3D Cube
Simple 20 x 20 x 20mm calibration cube with a little added PrintsLeo3D flair (PL3D)!